Friday, October 31, 2008

Chinese Souvenirs from Papa John


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Enjoy, and Have a Fun Halloween !!!!!!

halloween witch

Friday, October 24, 2008

Happy Anniversary to Karyn & Mark  - Oct 23     
from Auntie Marge and Uncle John

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Steve Scheuber
Happy Birthday Steve!  Hope you have a great day!  Uncle John & Auntie Marge

   Hope you had a root tooting cowboy birthday!   Greats - Uncle John & Auntie Marge.  

Monday, October 20, 2008


three-horses-ft807.jpg  Happy 5th Birthday, to our grandson Garrett Michael.
Enjoy your day Cowboy.Love--- Nonna & Papa BILL.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Thursday, October 16, 2008


A Japanese-themed table
Thanks to Leo and Marge for giving the sister-in-laws tickets to view the lovely table settings again this year put on by the McHenry Mansion ladies & Leo.  As usual the ladies who set the tables with their lovely china and and decorate using themed artifacts deserve all the comments of amazement that can be heard around the room. I think I heard that Pius and David were going to be serving at the luncheon today.  "A family Affair." 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Last Saturday evening we ( old folks) were invited to PJ Scheuber house for a Scheuber farm meeting and dinner. From the entrance to their home we were treated with displays of fall and Halloween decor done with a flair that we can expect from Auntie Janice. Cocktail hour consisted of great wine and conversation.  Of course the dinner was superb!  I was especially thrilled for she served her Polish Golabkiz ziemniakanti (cabbage rolls )(I had to look that one up on the internet.  In Colorado last month I had ordered them in a restaurant there.)  Thanks so much PJ's for a fabulous night!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

John has made a hit with the nurses.  When I went to his room last night he was not there.  After searching the halls, I still could not find him.  Then his afternoon nurse saw me and grabbed me and whispered in my ear, "  We gave him a private room since he had to endure the body odor of the man next to him for so long."It was offensive to his visitors also. The man had showered but it didn't help the matter any.  The nurse invited me to stay all night there for the couch makes into a bed.  I declined for I know they are in and out of the room all night changing his IV's.  Will find out soon if he can go home today.   marge

Friday, October 10, 2008

Anne Coleman and The Young LADIES !!!!!!

The top five contestants in the California Junior Miss Scholarship Program include (from L to R) Mary Kate Sheehan (El Cajon's Junior Miss) First Alternate; Sarah Shasberger (Goleta's Junior Miss) Second Alternate; Lauren Xie (South Sonoma County's Junior Miss) California's Junior Miss; Chelsea Cozen (Malibu's Junior Miss) Third Alternate; and Anne Coleman (South Turlock's Junior Miss) Fourth Alternate.
The top five contestants in the California Junior Miss Scholarship Program include (from L to R) Mary Kate Sheehan (El Cajon's Junior Miss) First Alternate; Sarah Shasberger (Goleta's Junior Miss) Second Alternate; Lauren Xie (South Sonoma County's Junior Miss) California's Junior Miss; Chelsea Cozen (Malibu's Junior Miss) Third Alternate; and Anne Coleman (South Turlock's Junior Miss) Fourth Alternate.
Congratulations----- to Anne and her group of Young Ladies----- YOU DID GOOD !!!!!  

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Uncle John is doing well after his surgery yesterday.  He was up walking last night and again this morning. He is keeping the nurses busy and entertained with his Scheuber wit.

Congratulations to Anne! 
From Aunt Marge & Uncle John
Anne, South Turlock's Junior Miss made the cover of the Buzz in today's Modesto Bee.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Enjoy !!!!!

vermont photo gallery

Vermont is the top producer of maple syrup in the U.S. Sugar maples aren't ready for syrup production until they are 40 years old, and it takes 40 to 50 gallons of sap to make just one gallon of sticky, sugary heaven.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Happy Anniversary Steve & Melissa
from Auntie Marge and Uncle John

Friday, October 03, 2008

  Congratulations to Uncle Bill! 
His donated acrylic farm scene brought $500 plus at the auction last night at the Wine Tasting Fund Raiser in Turlock for the Stanislaus State Ag. Dept.  The high bidder was Mr. Alves, a retired MJC ag instructor. Other family members at this event were:  Leo & Marge, John and Marge (our niece Jeannie Stowers) and of course the artist himself Uncle Bill.

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