Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Jay!

A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.

Happy Birthday Jay!   Love, John and Marge

To Uncle Leo and Auntie Marge

Thanks for the kind words about Sandi's performance.  We feel the same way, but of course we are her parents.
Sandi was upstairs in the lighting booth toward the end of the show and she reported to us that she saw you in the audience, but by the time she got out to the front you were gone.  She was so pleased to see you there.  

We met one of the gym teachers from Johansen High after the performance and  she raved about Sandi's performance as a dance teacher at their school.  We know Sandi spends many after school hours with rehearsals for the upcoming student performance. So typical of dedicated teachers -- no such thing as a 9 to 5 job. 

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sandi-Off Balance Dance Production

Sandi's performance last evening (February 19) at MJC was absolutely stellar. She performed in three numbers and choreographed one.  It was our favorite. Sandi is truly beautiful to watch. What a privilege to be able to watch our talented and very special neice! There is another performance this evening and one tomorrow. 
Congratulations! Love, Uncle Leo and Anty Marge

Friday, February 12, 2010

Sunday ----- 2-14-10 Enjoy This Special Day !!!!!!!

valentines_day_110.gif VALENTINES image by ladyblue68

Monday, February 01, 2010

You did good !!!!!!!

Marge, Great Article---- i enjoyed reading your info about your (Craig Family).
Wow---- i hope everyone will read this truly loving story.
Thank you for sharing your family with us. 

If you are interested click on article below.   Marge

Australian Connections

Another connection to Australia besides our niece Alex.  Scheubers have ancestors that moved to Australia  from Switzerland. I just found out that I do too on my mom's Craig side.  Found this article  tonight on google about Jim Craig ( my mom's cousin) marrying an Australian girl during WW11.  There is no end to what one can find searching for ancestors. 
from John's Marge 

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