Monday, August 02, 2004

Grizzelly Bear Uncertaninities

Dear Lori,
Sorry to inform you, but I think you miss read the instructions.  Its not "Bear Bell", its " Bear Dinner Bell". 
I pack in 30 miles with my horses and set camp to elk hunt close to where you were hiking.  On occasion I do run into Grizzly bears.  My solution is always keep my gun in the ready and shoot position.  
All joking aside.  When you kill your elk you must gut, skin, and quarter your meet as fast as possible because if you look close there will probably be a grizzly wanted to take it from you.  Seriously they are not a joking matter.  
Glad you had a great time!! Next time come see us for some great fly fishing.
We just arrived home from our family camping trip in the Bighorns.  Where we enjoyed cowboy cooking in our dutch oven in the campfire.  Teal and Garrett took baths in the creek.  We fly fished some creeks and lakes.  Teal and Bryan did some rafting.  Teal hunted for bear the whole time and was convinced she heard them and saw some signs, but just couldn't find them because her brother made to much noise.  She did  come back to camp with a frog and  some butterflys.
Have a great summer!  Bryan

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