Sunday, September 26, 2004
Thinking that I have written this befor, and it must have gotten lost in syber space,I`ll try again. Having been to San fFrancisco twice and to the Cow Palace once and was only sixteen, I was honored When Chris Jorgansen Asked if I would drive him to see the Ice Capades at the Cow Palace. He would pay my way if I would drive his 34 buick to see the show. Well we all knew how chris got when he got excited. His tounge would wiggle back and forth in a horizontal motion. Well, you aint seen nothin yet. He got so excited when he saw those beautiful young ladies in thier short tu tus skakting around his tounge comenced to viberate..Then when they kicked thier leggs over thier heads in thier routines you could hear a purrrrr sound ,and a couple of Gosh! Gosh! He was impressed at thier at thier talents .He couldn`t stop talkig about it all the way home. He found that more exciting than reading his Zane Grey Western stories,and making pan cakes for his cats.
Chris was a kind old gentelman. He would hook up all his belgan horses and a hay wagon and a cultivator, and may be a horse or two behind the cultivator This was a parade he but on every tim he would travel to one of the places he rented. When he got there he would hitch Babe,Queen and Toppsie to the cultivator and start to get them going by sating "phuph phuph phuph, afew times then "Babe, Queen . Toppsie"few times then , he would finally slap them on thier butts with the ranes, then they would finally start pulling. This went on all day. No matter how many times he would get them started, same routine. I think he had agirlfriend once , then he died
Uncle Bill