Sunday, September 26, 2004

Chris Jorgensen

Hey, I have a few memories of ole Chis Jorgensen as well.
He gave me my first beer at the young age of 16 after we had been working all day on the grain drill - it was a bottle of Falstaff, heck to they even still make Falstaff??  He always gave us cookies every time we went over there, as if mom didn't have enough for us as home, but you know me, I never turned down a cookie offer, even today!  
My first school lunch pail was from Chris, I actually salvaged it from his trash pile - it was Karo syrup can with a lid like they have on todays paint cans.  When mom put my lunch in it and I took if off to school, I couldn't open the lid to eat and Mrs Buren had to pry it open for me!  Lord only knows I almost starved to deat before I got to my bologne sandwich!
Hey Leo,  do you remember when Chris' rooster attacked you and pecked you on the side of the head?? Do you have any battle scars?
I think that I still have the foot prints on the front of my tee shirt, where Chris' colt raised up with both legs and kicked at me.
Signing off,
Uncle Ernie

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