Friday, September 17, 2004
Thinking to explain Inflatin to those who have not had any economic classes ,{ maybe uncleJohn should be teaching this class] Pius and I were hoers When we only got twentyfive cents an hour and paid for own movies.We would have been ashamed to ask for money to go to a movie. Maybe Ernie still has that dollar an hour money under his matterus, along with some stale "Walnettos" ! Also at that time no money was taken out our pay for taxes,SDI,or vacation or what ever. We got paid cash. Later Pius and I got paid extra to keep the other guys that were hired off skid row, Moving a little faster. We would kind of set the pace. One of the great plesures of the day, was to get to the end of the row on a 100 plus day , to get to the water jug. This water jug was a gallon lug,probobly previously contaianed wine from Caruso`s winery. This lug was wrapped with a barley sack and tied with bale wire, then carefully soacked in water an Placed in the shade of an irrigation gate. This method of cooling kepte the water down to about 80 degrees. To this day I sometimes enjoy drinkin warm water. The next year, we got a raise to 35 cents. We picke grapes fo 12 cents a 50 lb box. The best money we ever made was at 5 cents a tree to hoe around each tree wether it had no weeds or many weeds. Pius and I decided to run from tree to tree. We did the whole orchard i less then a day.The owner couldn`t belive we did it all in one day. He had hired some poke along guys by the hour and they didn`t get much done.. I think the owner was John Griffit the attorney in town . If he hadn`t paid us we would have sued him. yeah
Uncle Bill.