Thursday, September 23, 2004


Happy Birthday to Shar!  Hope it is a good one.  Speaking of birthdays, Sandi received a call from Kuno on her birthday.  He is amazing.  He rattled off how old Benjamin is, Heidi's girls etc.  I told Sandi to put up his news on the web site.  A new baby is due in the near future.  I can't remember all of the details.  Sandi has been real busy with her new place of employment and is planning on moving to San Mateo in Ocotober.  She will then be 10 minutes from work.  That will save her the endless hours on the road each day.  Maybe then she can have time to visit this site, 

Geoff, Thanks to Detective Grogan we now see some good news for the prosecution.  No telling what Geragos will do in cross examination.  I found a web site:  Scottpeterson    This site belongs to Marlene Newell who is positive that Scott is innocent.  She has devoted hours in convincing others that she is believable.  Mike Chiavettia is mentioned as a witness.  It is an interesting site but does not convince me.

Leo, John came in from the mail box a few days ago laughing as he said, "Marge you are not going to believe this."  Here is an envelope addressed to Leo A. Scheuber with our address.  It is from the Bank of America Willington, Delaware.  The envelope states that "Your Visa car is pre-approved.  (No Annual Fee-see details inside)
          MAYBE GOTTSCHALK SOLD YOUR INCORRECT ADDRESS TO BANK OF AMERICA--Is there no end to this confusion?    

Waiting for the next Uncle Bill story & comments by Uncle Leo. 

Also a request to Tammy--In all the lovely photos you send we don't get to see you.  Looking forward to more pictures---------and with you in them.


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