Thursday, September 16, 2004


  Thinking about some of the different characters,     we had in school,          I decided to start with Pova. Now you may not know it but kids can be very crule. Pova Cunnigham, was a nice girl, but she had a speech impedement.  I don`t remember her real name any more, but I think It was Mary. She had a brother named Leroy. Any way she would play jump rope and count her jumps. We couldn`t under stand her until she got to pova, now we all know that is thirty so there for she getts the name Pova. I have seen her afew times over the years, nd every time I see her she always asks about Yeyo. I think she had a thing for brother Yeyo, She would always asked " ha jau bova Yeyo.  Sorry Yeyo she married Jim Brower, who used to have the butler building dealership, which is the building I now sell.
   Uncle BIll

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