Wednesday, September 15, 2004
social differences
Thinking to settle som e social diferences one day at school, Sam "Pete" Romano, In the Italian corner,and Bartholemue In the "okie" corner . There seem to be some disagreement over a marble game, I think that`s what it was about,but that is not the point I am trying to make. As they sarted to flayl upon each other , Our beloved principal, Mae Hensley came on the seen, and comenced to settle the problem. She did so by grabbing both disgrutaled parties by the hair on the back of tier heads and slamed thier heads together. Now you teacher folk out there might take lesson on how to handle disapline Problems in school. Too bad that in todays political correct [P,C.],times ,you may all land in jail. I think P.C. should stand fo Pure Crap!
Mae Hensley went on to bigger ad better things, but that action she took that day,got a school named after her, She passed away this last year at the age of 97. She also use to call Pius "Peeus" That was the year that they took all the Japanes Kids out of school and but them in consentration camps,Names like Shegerie,and Meechi Munuro, and others I can`t remember.
Uncle Bill