Sunday, September 12, 2004

Thanks, Geoff

Geoff, and the rest of you out there in Scheuber Land........please, oh please understand that any and all comments made recently in this news publication were intended to be in jest with no malice intended.
Uncle Beely (where did that name come from?) is having the time of his life relaying some of the true experiences of growing up with four brothers, a sister, and a multitude of friends  from our little country school, Fairview. (Forty-five students in eight grades when I started there in September of 1939)  So far, the stories have been accurate with only a few omissions of details.  At our age who is going to remember all that stuff anyway.  Each day I check this web-site to read about the good old days and shake my head when reminded of those things that happened back then.  Yes, Delmar going through the hedge, the windmill falling from the sky, Pius falling out of the tree, and all those stories that I know are yet to come.  There are some particular ones that I am waiting to hear about.  I won't mention them because I'm sure Beely will describe them in future publications of his memories of the past.
Now, for the spelling, grammar, and general "edjacation".........what's the big deal?  I love the stories and want to keep hearing them.  It reminds me allot of (and we have all experienced this) when I received a letter from Mom while I was in the Coast Guard protecting my country (aboard ship sailing the treacherous Bering Sea, Beely) and while in Thailand.  Her letters included "Schnapp Schotts"  from
the family back home.  The snap shots were great , no matter how she spelled it.  Enough said.......................Keep it up Beel
Geoff.......not to worry!  This is the Scheuber Family.  Remember your Grandpa?  He would be the first  to have fun with this kind of stuff and would be disappointed if no one came back at him in the same joking way.  I hope, at least some of you agree.
This time I will sign my name........
Dad/Uncle Leo reporting from 1117 Petersburg Way

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