Tuesday, October 19, 2004

cave contraversy

   Thinking to striaghtenout those who have no memory, I will try to learn you sumthin! The cave was some what behind the back stop, because that is the only place we could dig it that the teacher couldn`t see us dig it . The Prestos lived across the road, but they were farming the peaches next to the school at the time ,beause they gave us hell for taking thier props. I also know about the orange tree because we also purposley kicked the so called soccer ball across the road so we could go after it and grabed a few oranges and threw thew across the road to the other kids. We also did the same with the chestnuts,Do you know that the umbarella tree has a tape root and very few branching roots? A bit of advise; You tell your stories the way you remember them and I`ll, to the best of my ability keep you on the right track.
  While we are in the area of the Prestos,there was bridge across the irrigation ditch which was the smoking bridge. This was also the privilage bridge. A lot of the kids from the Grapes of Wrath groupe, would smoke on the school grounds, which was taboo. Controling the problem became so difficult the teachers gave into the kids and let them go off  the school grounds to smoke. They would all walk to the bridge every resess and smoke. These kids had quite a life.A lot of themlived in a tent with boards about four feet up and a tent roof.These  tents were about 12'x12' A family of five or six and three or four dogs were cohabitating.  This brings up a story about the dogs they brought to school. It weren`t nuthin to have four dogs in the in the class room complete with fleas. One day during class ,One of the dogs was scooting his bottom on the floor , pulling himself along with his front legs and his hind leg stuck under him. One of the Grapes of Wrath girls, yelled out "Look the dog is doing tricks" The damn dog had worms and the dog was trying to scratch them off his--- behind. This , it self was a lesson in every day life in a country school.     Uncle Bill

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