Sunday, October 24, 2004

News 10, Coats for Kids

This is a request for support and help to keep a few people warm this winter.  Last year we were able to collect over 200 coats through the News 10 Coats for Kids program using Duarte Nursery as a drop station during poinsettia time.  Please check your closets for coats your kids or grandkids have out grown or no longer use.  Adult coats are needed as well.  If you have any that you no longer wear because they have gone out of style, won't fit anymore, or are "not my color" bring them to the nursery.  The Coats for Kids program does two things.............
first and utmost it keeps people warm during and winter, and secondly this is a way to clean out those closets that you've been wanting to do.  We will have a bin set up at the nursery starting the weekend before Thanksgiving and running to Christmas.  Coats need not be cleaned prior to dropping them at the nursery.  A number of Cleaning businesses have volunteered to clean the coats prior to distribution.
Let's see what we can do to help some of those in need have a warm holiday season. Thanks.
Anita and Leo reporting from Poinsettia City

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