Wednesday, October 20, 2004

You learned me "sumthin"

Beel, you learned me that you are very protective of your stories.  Sorry if I offended you in anyway.  My only purpose was to see if I could get a rise out of you and, of course, make sure the younger generation got a true picture of what really took place at Fairview.  Your words came back like falling rain so I ran under that umbrella tree.  Speaking to the umbrella tree (scientific name: actinophylla) it appears this tree is an evergreen which the tree behind the backstop was.  I think it really was a Pepper tree but can't be sure.  However,  neither the Umbrella tree or the Pepper tree has a tap root.  Both of these trees have very greedy surface roots making it difficult if not impossible to garden or dig beneath.  I think maybe you now realize that, because in your last message the cave has moved from behind the backstop to "somewhat" behind the backstop.  Now, I hope you have learned "sumthin."
Oh yeah, were those Camels or Lucky Strikes that those kids were smoking down on the bridge during recess?  I bet they were rolling their own.
Keep writing...........I love this.
LAS reporting from 1117 Petersburg Way

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