Thursday, November 04, 2004
Beauty, Power, Solace
Yes, the Modesto Symphony Orchestra Chorus will be presenting "Beauty, Power, Solace" on Sunday, November 21, 2004, at 3:00 pm in the Trinity United Presbyterian Church, 1600 Carver Road. Your aunt/sister-in-law/mother/grandmother (whichever the case may be) Margaret Scheuber of Carnegie Hall fame will be participating in the Modesto Symphony's first-ever all coral concert. (this is Marge's third year with the Symphony Chorus)
Joining the MSO Chorus will be the Downey High School Nightingales, CSUS Women's Chorale, Opus Handbell Ensemble, and members of the Modesto Symphony Orchestra.
Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and can be purchased on line at or can be purchased at the Modesto Symphony Orchestra office at 911 Thirteenth Street, Modesto (523-4156) Some tickets may be available at the door but I would recommend calling the MSO office to make sure.
This should be a beautiful program. Hope to see you there.
LAS reporting from 1117 Petersburg Way