Monday, November 22, 2004
Thinking it is time to bring up the real piece of farm equipment that would fit the respone We are hearing about, beause there is no one wants to admit that they too enjoy the pleasures of picking there nose. Let me introduce you to the manure spredder. This seems to be the only one that could handle all the stuff I`m getting to cover up all the evidence of ones reluctance to stick to the subject at hand, and I direct you to the fact, that is irrelevent to the case[. Not the tractor] I will prove to you that you may, find my apponant at a point where he has his fingure in his asprin bottle probing to pull a pain pill, promptly plying to painfully ponding pea brained pointed head. Once he gets his fingure out of his asprin bottle he may come to his sences and respond to the original request. By doing so we can then get rid of the manure spreader and get on with the case.[ not the tractor] Now that we got that wagon loaded , we will see what kind of stuff we will have to haul off next. Have at it! ,I have alredy ordered a large Garbage truck For the rest of you Lets.get out of the closet, and tell us your private pleasures.
Remember this is a family news letter. Uncle Bill