Sunday, November 07, 2004
Posting Errors Explained!
Thanks for the explanation on the posting difficulties I, for one, was having. You may have noticed that my "Coleman Wedding News" and "Mom's Birthday" postings (which I did post on Mom's BDay -- November 2) appeared repeatedly until Geoff graciously deleted the extra versions!
Karyn will be relieved to hear it's not just her either! She has posted news on several occasions only to find her items never made it to the site. I'll tell you, she was starting to feel like the rejected black sheep of the family!! And boy does she have news to share ... updates on the kids, her house remodel, Mark, her excitement of having a cousin closer by (Sandi), etc ... and, let's just say the San Mateo courthouse is but a few short minutes from her house with her neighborhood now home to a couple of media regulars. Karyn will have to fill you PCGs (Peterson Case Groupies) in with the rest.
Lots of love to all,