Friday, November 19, 2004

   Thinking I had asked for a response to a simple question about the habits of others picking thier nose, I ,in return, receive a littony of how a certin person had a one time expirence of bailing hay, even to theminute detail of what name brand of bailer he walked by one day. The case bailer was most probubly was being pulled by a "Johnie Popper" A "Johnnie Popper" would be aproriate because the rythum of the of the pops provided perfect pronounced pops to contrast the intermediate Poof poof poof  Pop patteron , pulling proper pronouced plunging pushes of the perpendicurlar plunging  Chinaman.this, of course, was true withe older model Bailer that younger people would not recolect. Having to wait for the proper dew level was also a bone of contention.  Curcumstances are cercumstances,because of the different time of year that one may have to bale. Late spring or early fall may not be as dry as mid summer. It doesn`t take a scientist to comprihend this,but let me help you out.  When the barometric pressure drops, and the ambiant temperatue flukxuates with moving air; [wind for those not privy to the extreme sicentific imformation] the realative humidity, derived from the moister in the ground, depending when the ground was last irrigated tied to the  grains of water in a pound of air  wil l bring you to the dew point. There for the dew forms on the hay,letting one to comence to bail. Of course, who had a Baromitor or even knew what that was. A good farmer would merely bend over, grab a hand full of hay and make the disition to bale or not to bale.
  Back to the original subject.  I got a lot of comments about the bad side of picking ones nose, but no one wants to comment on thier personsal pleasures of all the private enjoyment they have had over thier life time.. Come on . Lets hear it.
     By the way ,I use to use a pair of pliers to squeese dowm the loop end of the bale wire so I could use it to klean the wax out of my ears.     Uncle Bill

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