Saturday, November 13, 2004

The Verdict

Auntie Marge...Yep a pretty satisfying outcome for the past two year ordeal! Last time we were up in Modesto for Christmas is when this all went down.

I have to admit I'm one of those geeks that signed up for the wireless alert that would inform you that the verdict was being announced 2 hours in advance...the problem is....IT DIDN'T WORK! Most people I work with know I'm from Mo-town and so I was bombarded with calls about 12:30 just before the verdict. I did get to listen in, which was great!

The LA Times had a front page article this morning. They called Modesto a corny backwoods farm community with an arch in the middle of town that says "Water, Wealth, Contentment, Health"...which apparently (according to this source) was the winner of a contest in 1912. Most residences at the time wanted...."Nobody's got Modesto's Goat!" Scary.

Let's get on with the penalty phase!


PS: Soccer update---Lightning wins 8-4 last night. Down again, 4-1 before second half on-slaught.

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