Monday, November 01, 2004

Warren Rupf

  Thinking I should check out a name I found on one of the documents I needed to file with the contra costa county Building department for a job I am curently working on in Martinez, I found that Warren was the county Sheriff.  Being the courious type I checked it out, and found out that he was the son of Werner  Rupf Grandson of John Rupf, Grand nefew of the famous Paul Rupf, and Emile Ruph.This is more for the older generation. I met with him in his office, and had a grand old time talking about the good times he remembered at the ranch. He remembered that dad had a great sence of humor, and we  were playing can you top this.I told him about the funny things we look back on now, like when we worked for Paul we could always plan on having "Marlow steaw, raisin bread, and coffee for lunch. He got the biggest kick out of the story about dad always kidding Paul about how thight he wore his susspenders, and how he always had one foot off the ground. We swaped stories for a while ,and he told me that he also was the coronnor, and how he was involved in the lacy petterson case, because the bodies were found in Contra Costa County. He also has two brothers, Werner Emile,They call him John, and Kieth Pius, who he thinksPius was his  Godfather.  We agreeded to have lunch next time I can catch him in his office. He is very tall and looks like his father.He sends his greetings to all the Scheubers, and was very happy that I took the time to look him up. It was a great fouty five minutes I spent with him, and I will do it again. I`ll report back to you that are interested. THe rest will have to  Put up with us "OLdies" as we reminis.
  It has been a real plesure to bring you all this exiting news, and hope Every one has the chance to correct my spelling and my grammer. It has been a dounting expirence. I bet thatat one threw you.  I bought a dictionary at the doller tree store, and I couldn`t find that word in it, so I winged it. How did I do?   By now you are all thiking ," This guy is a real gas operating , muscule contracting anial Orfice ".  Had to clean that up a little for my youger fans.  Thanks again for tunning in.  I remain your Uncle Bill

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