Friday, December 03, 2004
Re: Thanksgiving in Long Beach
I was touched by your Thanksgiving story and picture. What a nice gesture to include your cousin's marine friends to have a home to go to for Thanksgiving! We are all so thankful for those soldiers that are out there protecting our homeland. It brought back memories of my dad and uncles serving in WW2. The army had my dad in Hawaii, two uncles in England and the marines had my Uncle Alvin in Iwo Jima. They never wanted to talk about their experiences in the war. It was not something they wanted to remember.
We had an enjoyable evening last night with many of the Scheuber clan as they attended the Ag. Hall of Fame dinner. At our table was Uncle Pius, Uncle Bill, Uncle Ernie and Auntie MaryJane. At the Duarte table were Uncle Jim, Auntie Nini, Uncle Leo and Auntie Marge, Cousin Jeff and April, and Jim's sister Marianna and Wendell. Lori and Jeff were at another table. Uncle Ernie and Uncle Bill's art work for the auction was greatly appreciated as the proceeds will help the future of the Ag. Museum.
Congratulations to Mike and Ashlee on their upcoming blessed event. Everyone is exciting for you.