Sunday, February 06, 2005

Patient doing well.

I sent out notice of Marge's surgery but apparently I goofed and it never arrived on this blog.
Anyway, Marge had some foot surgery (Bunionectomy) Wednesday to correct some nagging pain. Surgery went at 7:00 AM and home by 9:30 AM. Currently she enjoys the pampering received from this nursemaid. She will be out of commission from three to five weeks and is getting around on a walker at the present time. No driving for quite awhile so she also receives taxi service. Never realized I would ever wear so many hats. She has less pain each day if she doesn't over do it. Foot is elevated nearly all the time. As says, "Foot down, hurt........foot up, no hurt." Ice packs seem to help as well. We' ll keep you posted on her progress.

On a sad note, Marge's cousin Nancy Rademaker passed away on Tuesday in San Francisco. She was a very special lady and will be missed.

Also, we were saddened to hear of Fran's mom passing on the east coast. Apparently Bill and Fran have gone back.

Scheuber News has been kind of quiet lately. Is it that everyone has been hiding in the fog? Well, the sun has come out so lets hear from you.

Erin, you doll, you, thanks for the special days report.

LAS (1) reporting from 1117 Petersburg Way

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