Wednesday, March 09, 2005

If It's Not One Thing, It's Another!

Hello Everyone,
It's Wednesday evening now, and Dad's hospital departure is getting bumped back yet another time!
This afternoon Mom mentioned Dad repeatedly had the sensation that he needed to go to the bathroom but just wasn't able to do it when he tried.  I suggested he perhaps had a bladder infection, since he had a 100.8 temp, too.  They were testing him for that and Mom felt that would be the problem, with a quick dose of antibiotic to clear it up.
Well, it wasn't a bladder infection.  Mom received a call from Dr. Hsu asking about Dad, and Mom said he really was uncomfortable and just wasn't doing too well.  The doctor came over immediately and decided to reinsert the cathiter.  It worked promptly as he relieved himself of more than one liter of fluid and a blood clot!  What had happened was that the blood clot had lodged itself in the urethra which had prevented Dad from relieving himself.  Needless to say, he's feeling much better now!
Dr. Hsu now says Dad will go home perhaps Friday or Saturday.  I think between this latest episode, the pain medication dilemna and the low grade fever, they want to make sure there are no loose ends left undone before he leaves.
Other than these various housekeeping issues, Dad's back is continuing to heal well and his walking is progressing quite nicely.
Lots of love,

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