Thursday, March 17, 2005
Scheubers at Scheidegger
Hello all----
I finally have a few minutes to write now that my school's yearbook is done and the honors field trip is over!!!
Lori-We will be thinking about your dad as he hopefully leaves the hospital today to recover at home!!
I just got back last night from Ashland, Oregon where I took 200 honors 7th and 8th graders to the Shakespeare Festival. It was so much fun! The weather was beautiful and the plays and workshops were awesome. I taught Shakespeare's Richard III and we got to see the play while we were there. My students loved it (if they could stay awake after a long day at the college campus). We also got to meet the actor that played Richard (evil character) and he taught us how to do combat with swords on stage. Other than swollen ankles, I felt great the whole trip.
While I was gone, Mike finished up painting the baby's room. Last weekend, Mike and his dad put together the crib while Marge and I went to the fabric store to pick out patterns for baby blankets. I can't wait to see Marge's creation.
We have another ultrasound in a week. My doctor thought the baby was a bit small so she wants to check the progress of growth. She's not worried, just taking every precaution necessary. I'd be perfectly fine with a smaller baby!!!!!! Marge and Leo will come with us to the next ultrasound as my parents attended the first one. My mom didn't have enough will power to turn her head as Mike and I did so she knows the sex of the baby. She's the world's best fooler so she has been instructed to play with our heads and not reveal if it's a boy or a girl. As a first time grandmother, she had to know to help with her shopping!
My brother's wife, Elisa, is going for tests this week on her liver. She is an extremely healthy 26 year old, and we are all staying positive, but extra prayers are always a good thing. I will keep you posted on her results.
Mike and I are off to Baby's R Us. Marge got us a wonderful organizer book to help plan for a baby. Mike just got done reading it and he's feeling a bit overwhelmed with car seats, strollers, etc. We are off to make the final decisions!!
We hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather and we hope to see you soon.
Love to all,