Sunday, June 19, 2005

Happy Father's Day!

Welcome to the virtual Father's Day BBQ. If you're reading this...glad you could stop by! I woke up this morning with Grandma and Grandpa's ranch on my mind and how many great Father's Day's we spent out there. I was wanting to go visit, so here I am. Pass the bbq chips and red "ponch" please!

Unkel read my mind. I've been meaning to call you and beg about the 'gronies! Thanks for thinking of this. Here's who's all confirmed on the team:

Sara & Mike (Matt, Zac, Riley and Taylor)
Auntie Marge & Uncle John, and Ben,
Heidi & Ted (Sidney, Haley and Callie)
Leo and Marge
Ann Stowers
Ed and Joan Phillips
Gunver Olsen
Venus & Geoff (Erin and Lauren)
Of course the honorary Master Chef, and his bride (Unkel Bill, Auntie Fran)

So about 22 full on eaters. Sara, what time would be good to serve?

I can't wait to see everyone. I think I'll take one of them chelly samwiches on my way out.

Bye for now....Have a great day!


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