Sunday, September 18, 2005
"The DAY After The Stool Party"
Hi and Hello, Uncle John & Auntie Marge, had what they called (THE STOOL PARTY & OCTOBERFEST) in there Beautiful back yard. This was a very different,interesting and FUN PARTY. John and Marge, we appreciate all the work involved in putting this together and it worked, everyone had an evening full of laughter and delicious FOOD.We Thank You For That.
A Belated, Thank You to Auntie Nini /Anita for another PARTY this one (A SURPRISE 70th BIRTHDAY FOR UNCLE JIM). Was he really( SURPRISED) Hmm!!! Another Beautiful back yard that took us to (HAWAII) with our feet planted in Hughson. Duartes, You Did Good!!
Thank You and That's All Folks !!! God Bless .Love Uncle Bill&Auntie Fran.