Friday, December 30, 2005
Mr. Grinch!

And the Grinch, with his grinch-feet ice cold in the snow,
Stood puzzling and puzzling: "How could it be so?
"It came without ribbons! It came without tags!"
"It came without packages, boxes or bags!"
And he puzzled three hours, till his puzzler was sore.
Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before...
Monday, December 26, 2005
![]() RECIPE FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR Take twelve whole months. Clean them thoroughly of all bitterness, hate, and jealousy. Make them just as fresh and clean as possible. Now cut each month into twenty-eight, thirty, or thirty-one different parts, but don't make up the whole batch at once. Prepare it one day at a time out of these ingredients. Mix well into each day one part of faith, one part of patience, one part of courage, and one part of work. Add to each day one part of hope, faithfulness, generosity, and kindness. Blend with one part prayer, one part meditation, and one good deed. Season the whole with a dash of good spirits, a sprinkle of fun, a pinch of play, and a cupfull of good humor. Pour all of this into a vessel of love. Cook thouroughly over radient joy, garnish with a smile, and serve with quietness, unselfishness, and cheerfulness. You're bound to have a happy new year. -- Author Unknown God Bless, Love Uncle Bill& Auntie Fran. |
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Merry Christmas From Long Beach!
Hi Family! Sorry to miss the party this year, we miss you tremendously. Right about now everyone is probably just getting to Mom and Dad's. If I was there I'd be scoping out Auntie Fran and Uncle Bill's loot looking for the foil wrapped packages in hopes that one has my name on it! Enjoy the time together, see you in June!
Geoff and Venus
Geoff and Venus
Friday, December 23, 2005
Jeff, Lori and family. Have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. You will be missed Christmas eve. Give our best wishes to the Coleman clan.
Uncle Leo
Merry Christmas to All!
Hello Everyone,
Best wishes to all for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year. This is our year for Christmas Eve with the Coleman family so we will miss seeing you for Scheuber Christmas at Uncle Leo and Auntie Marge's. We hope all of you have a wonderful evening.
Our love and prayers,
Jeff, Lori, Anne, Nicolaus and Martin
![]() A great way to keep us all connected. We appreciate all that takes places.(GEOFF, YOU ARE OUR L.B.MAN--THANK YOU)!!! May you ,Venus , Erin & Loren have a very Merry Christmas and a NEW Year FULL OF EXCITING ,NEW HAPPENINGS!!! God Bless, Love Uncle Bill& Auntie Fran. |
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Thats the way the cookie crumbles
Not sure when COOKIE DAY began in our household, but it probably goes back to 4-H days on Barham Ct. Shelly, Sandi and Heidi started setting aside one day in December each year when they would bake cookies most of the day. Mike got involved in the frosting and eating of the cookies he made( who else would want to eat them?) Sorry Mike. So COOKIE DAY has been going on for several years now. Since Sarah joined the family, she is part of the COOKIE CREW. The grandchildren took over Michael's position. No one wants to eat theirs either. This year COOKIE DAY was held here on Sunday.
It happened to fall on the day of the annual Danish Christmas Dinner ( a tradition going back when Grandma was a child ) so Grandma Marge and Papa John were more than happy to take Haley, Sydney, Riley and Ben along. They were quite excited when Santa arrived--- all except Riley. She ran into Grandma's arms and kept saying, NO! NO! NO! as the other children marched around the Christmas tree with Santa. After Santa left his gifts to all the little ones, she participated in the musical game around the tree. Then some children took turns going to the microphone to sing a carol being accompanied by our Danish keyboardist. No shyness in Ben and Sydney as they each took a turn. Then Riley announced to Grandma that she wanted to sing. Immediately I reminded her that for 2 years I have gone to her Christmas show at her daycare center anxiously waiting for her to sing along with her class. Not a word produced from her tiny mouth. Insisting that she really wanted to sing, Grandma took her up there, thinking it was a wasted effort. To my surprise she strutted up to the microphone and sang her version of " We Wish You a Merry Christmas." Many compliments were given to Grandma and Grandpa on what wonderful manners the grandchildren displayed. Of course they know that Santa is checking his list.
Grandma Marge
Monday, December 19, 2005
![]() be very helpful to everyone ,I'm sure they all are doing the right thing.HOW DO I KNOW THIS ????. Well,TEAL Elizabeth& GARRETT tell us they have been very good and that SANTA will stop and visit them. How about that !! these GRANDCHILDREN MUST DO NO WRONG.HO HO!!!! BRYAN,Tammy and children went up the hill, and cut a great big christmas tree (country style, in BIG HORN,WY.) Weather very cold but no snow ,but they are wishing for some, children want to make snow- people. Well, I sure did go on sorry about that, hope I didn't bore everyone. God Bless, Love Auntie Fran. |
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Today...We wish you a day of ordinary miracles

A fresh pot of coffee you didn't have to make yourself.
An unexpected phone call from an old friend.
The fastest line at the grocery store.
A good sing along song on the radio.
Your keys right where you look.
We wish you a day of happiness and perfection-little bite-size pieces of perfection that give you the funny feeling that the Lord is smiling on you, holding you so gently because you are someone special and rare. We wish You a day of Peace, Happiness and Joy.
We wish the best. Have a Merry Christmas and A Happy New YearGod Bless, Uncle Bill& Auntie Fran---Bill& Fran
Monday, December 12, 2005
La Flor de Nochebuena
The laugh is on me, according to brother-in-law Leo. So much for making fun of the Danes for their pronunciation and spelling of poinsettia. ( point setters) While out at the Duarte Nursery today to purchase the plants for our Danish shut-in ( Leo point- ed out to me that the spelling is poin- settia not point -settia as I spelled it. I point-ed out to Leo that my excuse is that I am half Danish. On our way to visit the Danes, my sister Ann looked at the sheet that she had typed out for the addresses and she laughed when she saw that she had spelled it pointsettia also. Thanks to Fran for retelling the legend. I use to read that book by Tomie dePaola every year to my students as did Shelly also. In Mexico they call the plant la Flor de Nochebuena, the Flower of the Holy Night.
ole holy marge
scheubers in Chehalis
Found this on a website a few days ago. I think this is the place where Ernie and Maryjane went to this last year. I have been doing genealogy research in Chehalis since my grandfather on my dad's side had a farm there in 1906-1909.
While driving west on Hiway Number 6 towards Raymond about two miles from
Chehalis, were you to look to the right you would see an old story farm house
and an old barn on the hillside. This has been the Scheuber Farm since sometime
around 1885. This is about the time that Fred Scheuber came to this
country from
Switzerland and homesteaded 280 acres.
(photo): Scheuber farm as seen from Scheuber Road.
There were seven children in the family, three boys and four girls.
The Scheuber
children attended school at Claquato at that time. Two of the boys, Alfred and
Conrad, more or less remained on the farm. Alfred worked in several logging
camps throughout the east end of the county and as far north as Everett, while
Conrad stayed on the farm. Around 1925, Alfred moved back to the farm full-time
with his brother. In 1929, Alfred married Josephine Walch of Adna. They had
three children, Joe and Fred of Chehalis and Louise Lyle of Astoria, Oregon.
Conrad never married. Until 1938, the only access to the farm was an old wagon
road, known as Military Road. That year a new road was built from Hiway 6 to
Centralia and is now known as the Schueber Road.
The two brothers farmed together until 1965 when the farm was
sold to the
Hamilton family and became part of Hamilton Meadows.
The Alfred Scheubers celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in July,
1979. Alfred Scheuber is still residing on the farm while Conrad resides in
While driving west on Hiway Number 6 towards Raymond about two miles from
Chehalis, were you to look to the right you would see an old story farm house
and an old barn on the hillside. This has been the Scheuber Farm since sometime
around 1885. This is about the time that Fred Scheuber came to this
country from
Switzerland and homesteaded 280 acres.
(photo): Scheuber farm as seen from Scheuber Road.
There were seven children in the family, three boys and four girls.
The Scheuber
children attended school at Claquato at that time. Two of the boys, Alfred and
Conrad, more or less remained on the farm. Alfred worked in several logging
camps throughout the east end of the county and as far north as Everett, while
Conrad stayed on the farm. Around 1925, Alfred moved back to the farm full-time
with his brother. In 1929, Alfred married Josephine Walch of Adna. They had
three children, Joe and Fred of Chehalis and Louise Lyle of Astoria, Oregon.
Conrad never married. Until 1938, the only access to the farm was an old wagon
road, known as Military Road. That year a new road was built from Hiway 6 to
Centralia and is now known as the Schueber Road.
The two brothers farmed together until 1965 when the farm was
sold to the
Hamilton family and became part of Hamilton Meadows.
The Alfred Scheubers celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in July,
1979. Alfred Scheuber is still residing on the farm while Conrad resides in
Saturday, December 10, 2005
cowboys in Las Vegas
So glad to hear that Grandma Fran and Grandpa Bill were able to take off to Las Vegas to visit Bryan, Tammy, Teal and Garrett. Uncle John was catching up on the finals on television a few nights ago. He has some salesman there right now. Maybe one of these years we can go again. Would be great to put on the cowboy duds and meet up with all of the other Scheubers that attend.
Friday, December 09, 2005

JEANS and COWBOY HATS) and everything" WESTERN " called cowboy christmas shopping and more shopping, why you say ?,well it's
WE had a great time visiting Bryan ,Tammy and our grandchildren.
Teal Elizabeth 5 and loves going to school ,her teacher is swiss- german and great with her students, Teal loves her and was working on her journal
about vacation time to share with teacher & class-mates.
Garrett,very much a 2 year old ,never stops talking always has something of interest to explain to everyone.
They are very happy and loveable children.
Bryan & Tammy look great and enjoying the rodeo and many other great
sights that we all enjoyed my favorite (THE M&M SHOW AND STORE).
They send GREETINGS to Uncles & Aunts and ''ALL THE COUSIN'S''
A great time was had by all. God Bless & Love , Uncle Bill&Auntie Fran
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Confused Cheryl!!!
It seems that a woman named Cheryl is very appreciative of a pointsettia given to her mother, Alberta Martone. ( thinking that Mrs. Martone is the same lady who was principal of Fremont School and later had a school named after her.) Anyway, Cheryl sent this thank you to John and Marge at Leo and Marge's address. Marge kindly sent it on to us. I opened the card since it was addressed to us, but was bewildered when she mentioned our lovely flower store. Pointsettia and flower store??? Who could that be?? So the thank you card is off to it's 3rd flight through our postal system. Speaking of pointsettias, I'm looking forward to seeing the beautiful display of red next week when our Danish group purchases our pointsettias to deliver to our Danish shut-ins. ( a little side tidbit--some of our Danes born in Denmark have difficulty in pronunciation and spelling. Our recent newsletter noted that we were going to take point setters to the shut ins. HA!!
Tonight is our annual shopping tour where we choose several names off of the Soroptimist tree to purchase clothes and toys for needy children. Ben likes to get involved in this activity also. It is quite rewarding.
Attended the McHenry Mansion Tea yesterday and it was as lovely as ever with the other Marge looking so pretty in her white lacy apron ready to serve the guests. Those ladies do a fantastic job! And the tiny tasty sandwiches and delectable desserts are a special treat. olemarge
Monday, December 05, 2005
Santa Story
While living on Barham Ct. Jolly Old St. Nicholas always visited our house a week before Christmas. One year when the JRS children were about 8,6,4, and 2, and taking their nightly bath we heard the doorbell ring. JRS answered the door, and we heard a HO! HO! HO! A few more cheery words from Santa brought Michael out of the tub in a hurry. Quickly getting dressed in his footed pajamas, he exclaimed, " It sounds like Uncle Bill." But when he saw him in his red attire carrying his Santa sack, he soon forgot that his voice was like Uncle Bill. Secret saved that year by the red suit!!! Santa sure brings joy into all the little hearts of children everywhere!
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Yes Beely, Happy Birthday on the 29th of November. Sorry I forgot to send my wishes earlier. However, mine was on the 24th (Thanksgiving Day). Some would say my birthday falls occasionally on Thanksgiving because I'm a turkey, well the truth is, the reason that my birth falls near Thanksgiving is that Mom an Dad were very thankful to finally have a normal kid after Pius an Bill. (just thought you might want to add that tid bit to the "truths and tails" of the Scheuber family history.)
LAS reporting from 1117 Petersburg Way