Monday, December 12, 2005

La Flor de Nochebuena

The laugh is on me, according to brother-in-law Leo.  So much for making fun of the Danes for their pronunciation and spelling of poinsettia. ( point setters) While out at the Duarte Nursery today to purchase the  plants for our Danish shut-in (  Leo point- ed out to me that the spelling is poin- settia not point -settia as I spelled it.  I point-ed out to Leo that my excuse is that I am half Danish. On our way to visit the Danes, my sister Ann looked at the sheet that she had typed out for the addresses and she laughed when she saw that she had spelled it pointsettia also.   Thanks to Fran for retelling the legend.  I use to read that book by Tomie dePaola every year to my students as did Shelly also.  In Mexico they call the plant la Flor de Nochebuena, the Flower of the Holy Night. 
ole holy marge

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