Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Bits & Pieces
A special thank you to Leo and Marge who hosted this year's Christmas Eve party. As usual the evening passed by so quickly--sure that is because we were all having such a great time enjoying the conversations and great food. Jolly Old St. Nick made his usual visit to bring happiness and gifts to the eager little children awaiting his appearance. As it turned out all of the JRS grandchildren were present hoping to see some of the cousins they hadn't seen since last year. No such luck, but they hit the jackpot in being able to meet their darling new cousin McKenzee Margaret.
Uncle John had a milestone birthday this month. Now he joins Maryjane and I as we all qualify for medicare this year.
Received an interesting Christmas card from my friend Marianne from Oregon. It was actually a card sent to her and she forwarded it on to me when she realized that the watercolor on the front of the card was of a woman painting poinsettias on her easel in a nursery. (check this spelling Leo) When she looked at the card she immediately thought of Duarte Nursery. She turned the card over and read the explanation of a group of women who get together each year at the Duarte Nursery to paint. Actually I saw Chella Gonsalves at the Almond Gift shop in Salida about 3 weeks ago and she had told me that she is in that group of women painters, but was unable to make it out there to paint this year.
So sorry that Fran was under the weather this New Year's Eve. We are anxiously waiting for her good health to return. Not to be selfish, but we sure missed the usual celebration of us older folks at the Wm S. home. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL.