Saturday, February 04, 2006

Scheuber last seen in 1982

What a surprise when I came across this picture with the name Markus Scheuber from Switzerland!   I had to get out our photo album to compare the pictures.  John & I agree it is the same profile - round- faced, same haircut and contagious smile that we remember while seeing him at Rotzberg sitting on a skateboard riding down the roadway.  A friendly little 5 year old at the time with a yearning to be a monk when he grew up.  As we find out from google search, he is a general manager for Sulzer Chemtech.  He must be a bright young man for he has won awards for his research and inventions on molding injections.  Also see that he has a USA patent pending.  We have his email and John promises to send him a note. 
Isn't it amazing that we have such talented Scheuber offsprings!!!  Always keeping our life interesting.   Saw that darling picture of Teal today.  Proud Grandpa brought it by.  Looks like Aja is going to keep up her awesome athlectic talents for 2006. olemarge

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