Thursday, January 17, 2008


      Congratulations Annie
Wow Anne!!  Great pictures of you in the Modesto Bee.  Congratulations again.  Being a retired teacher, I know that those books were greatly appreciated.  Sandi, Ben and I purchase books throughout the year from various places for Shelly's Memorial Library at Stroud School.  The librarian gets excited every time we come in.  We have great fun picking out the books that we think the children would love to read.  Ben also enjoys going back to his elementary school and if lucky is able to talk to some of his former teachers.
Information on Amelia Varni. Yes, she is Jean's granddaughter.   She is Tony Varni's daughter.  She is quite an actress.  We saw her in the play Annie up in Sonora a few years ago.  Fabulous voice also! 

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