Thursday, May 01, 2008

Relay for Life: Why should I?

Cousins, Aunts & Uncles, Friends,

Let me help clear any uncertainties about the time and money commitment associated with the Relay and share my experiences over the last 6 years of participation.

First of all, this is what the Relay is:

Secondly, why bother?

True the LAS Family will not be in attendance at the Relay this year due to Leo and Margaret's monumental 50th Wedding Anniversary June 21st, however the donations we raise and the support WILL be! I expect a Pizza run around 8:30...remember "what happens at Mtn Mike's stays at Mtn Mike's"...Matt can vouch for that.

Any questions, post 'em up!
Thanks for listening,

PS Jason Castro should prepare more. Kinda important to know who Neil Diamond is if your gonna sing his songs. Also, the AJA interview was GREAT!

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