Monday, June 23, 2008
Walking Toward Cure
Walking Toward Cure- Modesto Relay For Life raises $409,000 to fight cancer. These were the headlines for the Modesto Bee on Sunday June 23. A Bee reporter took a picture of Sydney and Riley as they walked the final lap on Sunday. (Riley agressively ringing a Swiss bell almost as big as her) They did not use that adorable shot (Grandma talking) but they did put in quotes from Heidi as she and Ted walked the last lap:
Heidi and Ted Pefferman of Rocklin, northeast of Sacramento, held hands as they completed their final laps around the track Sunday morning. The couple, their daughters and other family members have participated in the relay for seven years.
" My sister Shelly passed away seven years ago and that's when we started our team" said Heidi, a former Modestan who has family in the area. "We do this to honor Shelly, to remember who she was and to help raise money to find a cure."
Of course our team honors many others(survivors and lost ones) and the list grows every year. At the present time our honorary chart that is posted at our site now lists 52 people. We are happy to hear from Maryanna that Kim W. is progressing in her batgtle against her cancer. She is an example of the research dollars doing it's work towards a cure.
Our team (sparse this year without the LAS"s clan) spent the day in the sweltering heat & unexpected, but welcoming shower of rain. Marge (me) was surprised & grateful that we were located between two school district's teams. (Hughson and Salida) She had taught with teachers from both districts so it made a fun day for her. While Sandi, Ben and I visited the Empire School District's booth we were amazed that Ben introduced himself to them and said, Some of you may have remembered my mom who taught in this district. Of course they did and had put a (new to us)school picture of Shelly on the nighttime slide show presentation.
Lunch was great as usual since Uncle Bill arrived with that great macaroni and Auntie Fran's tasty cookies. Cousin John D.had to leave to waterdown his newly built swimming pool, but returned so as not to miss the macaroni.
We had a nice visit from Jeff C. as he ventured from Grimbleby/Coleman
Our site always attracts many walkers as they stop to admire the Swiss bells and read our honary chart. Charlotte Egli and a church friend of hers from Hughson stopped by. It was Charlotte's first time attending this event. She found out recently that her oldest daughter has breast cancer. Early detection is in her favor. She said that her mother, 102 year old Swiss friend of the Grandpa Bill & Grandma Bertha can't believe the diagnosis for no one in her family ever had cancer. Shows that many do not know that environmental factors enter into the picture.
Sandi and Sarah signed up for a cancer research program. They both came back from the sign-up site with a cotton bandaid on their arm where they had to give blood to begin their committment. Now this is two research programs for Sandi this year.
Many thanks to all who helped in our event with time, money and participation.
Another great year for Modesto Relay for Life.