Friday, November 28, 2008


The JRScheubers and the Peffermans started a family tradition last year and hope to continue in the years to come.  Unfortunately because of the surgeries with Ted Sr. and John, they were not able to participate physically, only as monetary donors.  So John and I dropped off Benjamin in Sacramento and headed to Rocklin to cook a ham and turkey for the crew.  The runners in the 5K were Heidi, Sarah, Ted, Jason and Benjamin.  The remainders: Mike and Sandi took the responsibility to walk with the little ones.  As one can imagine, they were Hungry after Running to feed the Hungry.  Hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Sandi asked the little ones at their dinner table to name one thing they were thankful for.  Little Taylor said, for her brother.  Wow!  Matt, bet you didn't know she admired you so! 

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