Tuesday, February 10, 2009

More on Sandi

From the Durango Telegraph    Feb 5, 1009


 excerpt from this news


Earlier this summer, an open studio followed the company's final rehearsal of "In the Groove," a sassy jazz piece by Sandi Scheuber, a California-based choreographer. Scheuber spent a mere 11 hours over a weekend with dancers Lisa Bodwalk, Kristen Brewer, Sadie Carhart, Suzy DiSanto, Bridget Hendrix and Angela LaBorde, in intensive rehearsal sessions. The process of having a choreographer's vision "set" on dancers is demanding, engaging and rewarding work. During a break in the practice, Bodwalk offered to her fellow dancers, "This is really challenging with so many exits and entrances … it is such an adjustment from the practice in the studio to the rehearsal on the stage. There is such a difference between learning the movement and, finally, feeling the movement." At one point during the open studio, Scheuber commented to the audience, "This is the first time that I have seen the dancers smiling and laughing."


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