Sunday, February 08, 2009



Super Bowl Ads Scoring

The Pot

                       There were 12 participants @ $ 3.00/each  =  $ 36.00

Notable Performance

Wendell   --- the only one to pick the #1 ad (Doritos)

Anita ---  picked 8 out of the top 10 ads

Jim ---  picked 6 out of the top 10 ads in a close deviation

Maryanna --- picked 6 out of the top 10 ads in greater deviation

Jay  --- picked 6 out of the top 10 ads in an even greater deviation

All Others --- picked 1out of the top10 to 5 out of the top 10

Everyone picked at lease 1 out of the top 10


First Prize  --- Wendell  --- 50% of Pot = $ 18.00

Second Prize --- Anita --- 30% of Pot = $ 11.00*

Third Prize --- Jim  --- 20% of Pot = $ 7.00*

*Rounded to nearest full dollar


The Bookie will forego his 15% commission.

He only charges on wagers over $ 1,000

To see all of the adds check on site below:


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