Thursday, May 14, 2009
More Fairview
Fran, you warned us that Bill was itching to make his comments regarding Fairview
School. I was waiting for his chapter of the "Grapes of Wrath" and to my surprise he
did a very decent job, allthough I can't agree with him 100%. No one expected me to, did they?
First Bill, some of your recognition of people is not quite correct. You are correct, the Lee twins
are easy to recognize. And yes, Sydney Mae Lee is the little gal right behind you in the picture.
However, there is no Shirley Ann Lee in this picture. She was Ernie's vintage, not in schooll yet,
and still in diapers when this picture was taken. Delmar Matheson is not next to me, but is the young
man with the big smile sitting to your left. And to the left of Delmar is Jim Deaver. Jim was in my class
and could not be one of those big guys in the back row. The Howard family, Winford, Winston, LaVida,
and LaVeda came a year or two later.
Yeah, the srap iron drive, the cave, and the black walnut fights, bring back memories. Another thing that
might be fun to remember was the Presto family accross the street from the school. This may be hard to believe,
but just three weeks ago Steve Collins and I went to Creekside golf course for a leasure round of golf. When there
are only two players they usually will match you up with two others to make a foursome. Well this happend to us,
we were matched with another couple of guys, As I talked to one of these guys I asked him if he was originally
from this area. His comment was, " I grew up out in the country. You probably wouldn't be familiar with the area.
My grandparents had a farm accross the road from Fairview School." I said, "Presto?" He said, "you know the
Presto family?" I said, "I went to Fairview School for eight years and can remember kicking the soccer ball accross
the road so we could steal oranges from the Presto orange trees." His comment was, "you were one of those kids
that would drive my grandma crazy." We had a good laugh...........................and I also reminded him that on the way
home from school we would stop and fill our lunch boxes with chestnuts from the two big trees on the east side of the
Presto property. It's a small world.........................
Yes, anxious to see more pictures.........................bring them on.