Saturday, February 28, 2009

Scheuber News Classifieds -- Auto Wanted

Hello Everyone,

Jeff and I are diligently (okay, maybe desperately) looking for a car for Anne.  Our ideal vehicle would be a 2006 or newer Honda or Toyota with a low odometer reading and great gas mileage (college students have minimal budgets).  If you know of any potential cars for sale, please let us know.  We’ve got numerous feelers out, so we wanted to include our family, too!!

Thanks so much!!

Lots of love, Lori

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Thanks for the great pictures!


Finally re-surfacing and trying to catch up on all the great postings! I really enjoy all the old and new pictures that have been shared.  Here's a couple from Lauren's Frosh/Soph soccer team.  They had a great season, undefeated in league play with 10 shutouts!  The top one is a picture from one of her games and then facing off against the "parents team" in the wrap up last weekend. (Parents won 2-0 Ha-Ha, however, I still have no feeling in my legs!)

Hope you are all well!

Monday, February 23, 2009



Saturday, February 21, 2009

Some Scheuber Siblings

Big Sister Super Peff

Just like my big brother!

blue-eyed blondes


Some Silly Girls

One Funny Face!

Callie, Smile for Dave!


You wanna hear a secret?

continued from picture

Some of Dave's fine photography.  You know who!! 


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day. 2-14-09 !!!!

This is such an adorable image of two children holding a large paper that says "You see it's written in my heart that you're my Valentine."Boy And Girl
Enjoy, From Auntie Fran. 

Friday, February 13, 2009

Good Job Auntie Marge!

You were correct with your guess!  And, yes, it was taken at mom and dad’s house in Ceres just before we went to your wedding.


Lots of love,


re: who is this?

Why of course it is Maryjane and Lori.  Adorable picture!  That must have been before our wedding or after since it is taken in a house.  Auntie Marge

Here's Another August 27, 1960 Photo

Guess Who?

Keeping track of family

Welcome to the Expo

The world's largest annual agricultural exposition

The 42nd annual World Ag Expo opened Tuesday with cannon blasts, a jet flyover and a multitude of thanks to the fleet of Orange Jacket volunteers, whose hard work have made the expo the largest annual agricultural exposition.

About the Show

imageThe World Ag Expo began in 1968, and was held at the Tulare County Fairgrounds in Tulare, California. When the 3-day run of the first show was complete, this new show proved to be successful, especially after exhibitors were lining up to sign contracts for the second show in 1969 before the first one had even ended. The first show attracted 157 exhibitors with 28,000 attendees. By the second year, the show doubled in both attendees and exhibitors, and continued the rapid growth throughout the future years.
Tulare's location in the center of the state and the heart of the agriculturally-rich San Joaquin Valley proved accessible and attractive to farm equipment manufacturers and dealers from around the world. The exhibitors found an organized show in a central location where they could display their agriculture products, services, and equipment to an interested audience of farmers, also known as serious, potential buyers. The attendees found a place where they could view the latest technology, and agricultural equipment and services in one location.
Brothers John and Bill, and Bud (John's accountant) took a day off to attend this farm show. While there they unexpectedly saw nephew John and he encouraged them to trek down to their Nursery booth.   Since they were already at the other end of this enormous event, their feet were too tired to turn around.  But John S did talk to Jim D via cell phone.
It was a grand day for all of them I am sure.  

Pius and Jana

Lori, You are so right.  Taken on Aug 27, 1960 at our wedding reception.  Auntie Marge & Uncle John

Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Guess ...

I think this cute couple is Uncle Pius and Jana!  Hope I’m right.


Lots of love,


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Guess who?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

From Grandma Fran--- Enjoy, Aja, working hard playing Cal 2-07-09 !!!!!

Aja Scheuber and the 'Dogs gained experience for next game at Stanford.


correction:   2009   not  1009    don't want to make anyone older

More on Sandi

From the Durango Telegraph    Feb 5, 1009


 excerpt from this news


Earlier this summer, an open studio followed the company's final rehearsal of "In the Groove," a sassy jazz piece by Sandi Scheuber, a California-based choreographer. Scheuber spent a mere 11 hours over a weekend with dancers Lisa Bodwalk, Kristen Brewer, Sadie Carhart, Suzy DiSanto, Bridget Hendrix and Angela LaBorde, in intensive rehearsal sessions. The process of having a choreographer's vision "set" on dancers is demanding, engaging and rewarding work. During a break in the practice, Bodwalk offered to her fellow dancers, "This is really challenging with so many exits and entrances … it is such an adjustment from the practice in the studio to the rehearsal on the stage. There is such a difference between learning the movement and, finally, feeling the movement." At one point during the open studio, Scheuber commented to the audience, "This is the first time that I have seen the dancers smiling and laughing."


sandi in Off Balance in Repertory Performance

Many who attended MJC Off-Balance Dance Company's recent performance were in awe of the renovated MJC Auditorium. Beautiful show as expected by Lori and Kim, dance instructors and choreographers at MJC. 
Cousin Sandi was so pleased by the attendance of several family members:  Auntie Fran, Auntie Ann, Auntie Marge, Uncle Leo, siblings Mike, Heidi, Sarah, nieces, Riley, Taylor, Haley, Sydney, Callie, nephews Matt and Ben,  and us (mom and dad), and friends from the area and out of towners.
Sandi's bio:   Sandi has had a lifelong passion with modern dance. She is a freelance choreographer, and has set works on high school, community college, and semi-professional dance companies, most notably pieces performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC and Durango, Co.  Sandi has studied and performed in the SF Bay Area, Los Angeles, Central Coast, and Central Valley.  She has a MFA in Choreography from Mills College, has served as Secretary and Membership Chair of the California Dance Education Association and is a mentor for the Vision Series.  Despite being the oldest member of the company, she still enjoys performing and the challenge of keeping up with dancers less than half her age.  She is an avid patron of the arts in the bay area where she lives and works-helping to run an athletic training facility as a computer consultant.
We are proud of your accomplisments Sandi,  Love, Mom and Dad

Sunday, February 08, 2009



Super Bowl Ads Scoring

The Pot

                       There were 12 participants @ $ 3.00/each  =  $ 36.00

Notable Performance

Wendell   --- the only one to pick the #1 ad (Doritos)

Anita ---  picked 8 out of the top 10 ads

Jim ---  picked 6 out of the top 10 ads in a close deviation

Maryanna --- picked 6 out of the top 10 ads in greater deviation

Jay  --- picked 6 out of the top 10 ads in an even greater deviation

All Others --- picked 1out of the top10 to 5 out of the top 10

Everyone picked at lease 1 out of the top 10


First Prize  --- Wendell  --- 50% of Pot = $ 18.00

Second Prize --- Anita --- 30% of Pot = $ 11.00*

Third Prize --- Jim  --- 20% of Pot = $ 7.00*

*Rounded to nearest full dollar


The Bookie will forego his 15% commission.

He only charges on wagers over $ 1,000

To see all of the adds check on site below:


Thursday, February 05, 2009

From, Grandma Fran---- Sorry about the double info!!!!!!!

lead photos

Go Aja!  Get yourself pumped up for your first Lacrosse game!  Looking forward to hearing the new rituals you will create to gear up for each game. Great honor to be on the first team to play at Fresno State!!!  Great Uncle John and Great Auntie Marge.  

Sport Up Date Aja !!!!!!!


Aja Scheuber is ready to run onto the field at Bulldog Stadium on Saturday. (Photo by Keith Kountz)
Feb. 5, 2009
Journal Entry from Aja Scheuber
The countdown is at 48 hours until the first-ever women's lacrosse game will be played at Fresno State.
I never imagined myself playing women's lacrosse, let alone, at the collegiate level. Having played softball my entire life and for the last two years here at Fresno State, I am very fortunate to be one of the few student-athletes able to play two sports in college. It's been a great challenge picking up a new sport. I can tell you that I never thought I would say it was easier to hit a 70 mph rise ball. There is similarities skill wise that have helped me transfer over from softball to lacrosse. Hand-eye coordination is a big key in catching and throwing and I've learned my lesson to either catch the ball or get out of the way when the ball is coming.
It takes a lot of patience to take 23 athletes, most of which who had never picked up a lacrosse stick before, and teach them a brand new sport from scratch in less than six months. Every day at practice, we train with intensity and pride to prepare ourselves to compete at the level of teams that have more experience under their belts. It's amazing to see how far we have come as individuals and as a team in such little time. I'm looking forward to running out on the field this Saturday at 1:00 pm in Bulldog Stadium and seeing the support from friends, family, and the community.
I don't exactly know what it is like to get pumped up for a lacrosse game as I do for a softball game because I've never played one before. But, starting this Saturday, I hope to carry on and create new rituals to get me excited for games. For example, I don't usually talk to anyone before games; I have to wear my gloves a certain way, and I stay calm until I have to change my mindset before stepping onto the field. I can imagine myself now, sitting in the locker room before each game, visualizing our team working hard every minute of every game. These are the things that I will never forget about playing sports, whether it is softball or lacrosse.


Because I am a fifth year senior, I am only able to play one year of women's lacrosse at Fresno State. I'm privileged to be a part of history in the making and building a foundation for this program. I am excited to see how the underclassmen and future student-athletes will build onto a new tradition here at Fresno State. In years to come, I can look back with pride and say "I was a part of the first ever women's lacrosse team at Fresno State.
Go Bulldogs!

Sport Up Date From Aja !!!!!!!

Countdown to the First Lacrosse Game: 2 Days


Aja Scheuber is ready to run onto the field at Bulldog Stadium on Saturday. (Photo by Keith Kountz)
Feb. 5, 2009
Journal Entry from Aja Scheuber
The countdown is at 48 hours until the first-ever women's lacrosse game will be played at Fresno State.
I never imagined myself playing women's lacrosse, let alone, at the collegiate level. Having played softball my entire life and for the last two years here at Fresno State, I am very fortunate to be one of the few student-athletes able to play two sports in college. It's been a great challenge picking up a new sport. I can tell you that I never thought I would say it was easier to hit a 70 mph rise ball. There is similarities skill wise that have helped me transfer over from softball to lacrosse. Hand-eye coordination is a big key in catching and throwing and I've learned my lesson to either catch the ball or get out of the way when the ball is coming.
It takes a lot of patience to take 23 athletes, most of which who had never picked up a lacrosse stick before, and teach them a brand new sport from scratch in less than six months. Every day at practice, we train with intensity and pride to prepare ourselves to compete at the level of teams that have more experience under their belts. It's amazing to see how far we have come as individuals and as a team in such little time. I'm looking forward to running out on the field this Saturday at 1:00 pm in Bulldog Stadium and seeing the support from friends, family, and the community.
I don't exactly know what it is like to get pumped up for a lacrosse game as I do for a softball game because I've never played one before. But, starting this Saturday, I hope to carry on and create new rituals to get me excited for games. For example, I don't usually talk to anyone before games; I have to wear my gloves a certain way, and I stay calm until I have to change my mindset before stepping onto the field. I can imagine myself now, sitting in the locker room before each game, visualizing our team working hard every minute of every game. These are the things that I will never forget about playing sports, whether it is softball or lacrosse.


Because I am a fifth year senior, I am only able to play one year of women's lacrosse at Fresno State. I'm privileged to be a part of history in the making and building a foundation for this program. I am excited to see how the underclassmen and future student-athletes will build onto a new tradition here at Fresno State. In years to come, I can look back with pride and say "I was a part of the first ever women's lacrosse team at Fresno State.
Go Bulldogs!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Check out editorial by Mike C. on his trip to the Inauguration. Way to go Mike!  Those sudents will never forget this great experience! 

Monday, February 02, 2009

Our generation had a great time watching the game, cheering, scolding (Auntie Fran) and eating sooooooo much!  Also the aunts were enjoying getting to hold the new grandbaby Audrey.   Thanks so much Jim & Anita!


From Uncle John and Auntie Marge

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